By addressing internal patterns, individuals can transform their interactions and contribute to a collective shift towards peace, replacing harmful behaviors with love and understanding. Changing individual consciousness is crucial for altering the collective consciousness and creating a harmonious human community.Think of love as a ladder, and on the bottom rung where you start your human journey is love of self. That self-love determines the ease or the challenges you will encounter as you climb love’s ladder. If the rung of your self-love is weak and unstable, as you love others (like your family, friends, or romantic partners), the rungs won’t hold the weight of your not-so-positive self-beliefs, which in turn causes you mental and emotional suffering, and conflict within your relationships. You lash out because you are hurt. Conflict breeds more conflict, and hurt creates more hurt. Learning to love yourself can feel a little like the game Chutes and Ladders. As you feel love for others and then experience pain from those relationships, you slide back down the ladder. When you head back up again you create those same behavior patterns and experiences again, sometimes with different people and sometimes within the same relationships. This happens over and over until you realize and identify your not-love (more on not-love later) self-beliefs as creating the relationship patterns you replay over and over.
Love Ignites Peace is a journey of making that bottom rung strong with your love of self so you can, with confidence, offer love as an action to others. It is a journey of breaking the patterns that create your negative feelings and behaviors — the ones that are out of alignment with your love of self. It is a tour-de-self that starts with you. As you change those internal patterns, you change how you interact with the external world.
As we align our self-beliefs with unconditional love (and yes I do believe unconditional love is possible for every human being) then the steps leading outward from our hearts can enable us to love others with understanding, discernment, allowing, forgiveness, acceptance, and respect. As you take that self-love up the ladder into your family life, you will feel more peaceful and be able to love even the more challenging family members. The same for friends. When you love yourself then you don’t look to your romantic partner to fill the void of your not-love, and you can love them with all of your power because you aren’t looking to them to make you feel loved.
With each higher step on the ladder, you journey closer to offering love to your human community. That doesn’t mean you have feelings for that stranger like you have for your family and friends, but it means you respect their unique journey. We are all on the same journey back to loving ourselves. As more and more people choose to live Love Ignites Peace individually, an unstoppable movement will take flight; a community of phoenixes arising from the rubble of our self-destruction. To change the collective consciousness, you must change your individual consciousness first.
Living Love Ignites Peace helps you build a strong and lasting path to loving yourself, while walking a parallel path to loving others. Walking both paths, is how you fully embody the statement Love Ignites Peace.
Imagine an old-fashioned fulcrum scale, with the individual bowls hanging from each side of the axis. Each individual’s beliefs on this topic, though different, contain the same mass. Now imagine putting the beliefs that violence solves violence in one bowl, and the beliefs that there are other more peaceful ways to solve conflict in the other bowl. From what we see in the media and the decisions our leaders make, we’ve been programmed to believe that violence and self-righteousness resolves conflict, therefore the bowl with that consciousness tips to the table, while the other bowl sways near the top of the fulcrum’s angled arm. In order for the scales to become more in balance, individuals from the violence/self-righteousness side need to change their beliefs. What we’ve seen and experienced has made us believe that peace is impossible. This is another belief on the scales of balance that we need to change. As an individual changes their personal beliefs to Love’s 6 Actions (read on to discover these powerful actions), they move to the other bowl. When enough of us change ourselves, the scales begin to balance and then they tip to the other direction.
If 51% of us acted and believed that peace was possible, and all beliefs contained the same mass, filtering the chaos of the world through Love’s 6 Actions, the scales of balance would begin tipping, to a new set of beliefs as the majority. Once the scales begin to tip, the possibility of a greater percentage of humanity changing their beliefs explodes exponentially. The law of critical mass as studied in both physics and sociology illustrates this phenomenon. The only way for the collective consciousness to change is for us to change our individual consciousness. We change the collective consciousness by changing ourselves first. Learning to become the words Love Ignites Peace changes us, changing the make-up of our collective human community.
Humans are not hardwired to hurt, control, struggle, suffer, and kill each other; we are hardwired for love. Humans are innately good. You are innately good. However, because of power’s misuse, whether it is perpetuating fear, or the need for control, or all of our conditioning around lack, including lack of safety, our minds have been programmed with self-beliefs that keep us limited and hurting ourselves and each other. Conflict only creates more conflict and perpetuates more suffering for all of us. The thoughts and beliefs that make up our subconscious human operating system have erected a glass ceiling that has restricted our ability to evolve beyond these harmful behaviors.
Albert Einstein said that our problems cannot be solved from the same mindset that created them. Conflict, hate, fear, separation, violence, judgment, inequality, and self-righteousness, qualities that I call not-love, will not lead us to peace. Nor will they lead us to happiness, prosperity, and freedom. But love will. Living love as an action is the right use of our energy and that energy has the power override the old ways of misusing power.
Love Ignites Peace is here to help you create new beliefs for yourself, and to change how we as a human community interact with each other. It takes both courage and vulnerability to look at your own behavior patterns and then choose who you want to become. New beliefs and behavior patterns have to replace old beliefs and patterns.
It is time for you to make a choice. Do you want to continue to suffer the consequences of these old beliefs or do you want to birth new beliefs that create a different experience for yourself and our collective human community? Are you ready to shatter the ceiling of your limiting beliefs and unhealthy behavior patterns?