You are energy. Lots of it.
Your personal vibration is your home frequency. So, what do you do when your home gets messy, chaotic, contentious, and beyond?
You clean it up.
You clear it out.
You work through the conflict.
You reclaim peace.

Your personal vibration is your home frequency. So, what do you do when your home gets messy, chaotic, contentious, and beyond?
You clean it up.
You clear it out.
You work through the conflict.
You reclaim peace.
No question is too weird. Some people ask about major life changes and decisions. Some seek answers as simple as what food is best for their dog. An important question to ask is any question that is important to you. It is always your choice on what to do with the information you receive.
Every day you come in contact with people, places, thoughts, and emotions that can leave your energetic space feeling crowded, unusual, or uncomfortable. Sometimes feeling off can just mean your personal space needs energetic clearing. It’s time to free your space of stuck emotions, low vibes, disruptive energies, and thoughts that no longer support you.
The channeling of higher vibrational energy can help you:
⬩ Remove blockages in a relationship i.e. family, friends, colleagues, neighbors
⬩ Let go and move on from someone
⬩ Heal past and present emotional wounds
⬩ Clear someone else out of your personal energetic space
⬩ Obtain answers concerning a personal relationship
Have you ever walked into a home, business, or restaurant and thought that it just feels off? Lower vibes and lingering emotions that don’t belong in the areas you frequent or places you pass through can be cleared and the energetic space rebalanced.
What if travel could be made that much easier? Imagine the plane being cleared of energies from people on the last flight, the perfect rental car being more readily available for you when you land (saving delays), the hotel room feeling energetically neutralized when you arrive (hello, peaceful night’s sleep), and the prayers for safe and easy travel sent in advance.
Past life exploration can pop up when you are experiencing an issue in this life that is similar to an experience from a previous life. Energetic healing of past lives can free you from any correlated struggle you are experiencing now.
Physical characteristics are not the only thing we can inherit from our ancestors. Our family tree, no matter how loving, can pass down intense mental and emotional patterning. What expresses now as your anxiety, money issues, worries, and irrational fears (just to name a few) may have been experienced regularly or intensely by your ancestor(s), and unknowingly passed on to you. The channeling of positive energy can eliminate their effect on this lifetime.
An East Coast gal, wife, and mother, for the past 25 years Tracy has offered her energy services to thousands. She has a strong intuition and a passion for helping others find more happiness, freedom of expression, and to just simply feel better. “Energy work is very rewarding...
Read More“Energy work is very rewarding. It is the absolute best feeling when someone calls to say how working with me has helped them. I don’t mean that from ego. I mean yay! I’m so happy for you! And I truly am.”
Hello! This is my story. How I came to be the energetic being I am today.
I grew up on the East Coast in a very loving family that never thought anything odd about my energetic intuitive, premonition and telepathic abilities. I attribute this to my mother and aunt being identical twins (and that unique relationship). No one in the family thought it was odd to read someone else’s mind or to know things that were going to happen.
My bachelor's degree is in management with a concentration in finance. That sometimes surprises people because of who I am now. For the past 25 years I have offered energy services of some kind. While I had natural abilities with strong intuition, premonition and telepathy, at a young age I was very drawn to astrology and spent a great deal of time studying it on my own. As I got older and started having flashes of something that I can only describe as a movie playing in front of my face, I started researching past life experiences. I found a class taught by a reputable psychologist and learned about past life regressions. He was a little doubtful of me at first (because I could see my past lives without hypnosis), but by the end of our time together, I was his star (lol). I love history and still love exploring not only my own, but also other people’s past lives with them. They come up quite frequently in sessions.
As a child, I knew I “saw” things, but I also knew there were things that were scary, and I absolutely did not want to see them. While I continued to watch the guardian angels of all the kids in the neighborhood hover over them, I prayed that I would not see things that were frightening. This is something I kept to myself and never shared with anyone until adulthood.
Over the years I learned that a huge infusion of love coming into someone’s life opens the possibility for an expansion of energetic abilities. I found this to be true after my son was born (opening me up to an amazing amount of love). Suddenly, I could see, hear, and sense spirits and ghosts. My vibration was going up. As I have grown further as an energetic being, I use my abilities in a different way now. While I still have chats occasionally with my mom, aunt, and beloved dogs and cat on the other side, I prefer not to engage with other folks who have passed on.
My spiritual journey continued, and I became certified in Reiki level 3 many, many years ago. I’ve heard what I do now to be described as “Reiki on steroids”. One of the most important things I learned from Reiki was that it can be done over distance. At about that same time, I wanted to expand my intuitive abilities and found a course designed and taught by a global author and speaker who is an expert in the field of intuition. In 2006 I expanded from occasional readings to a more regular schedule.
Two things occurred over the last 10 years that contributed greatly to my energetic growth. In January of 2012, I needed my house cleared! The person that came to do it became my mentor. His support and guidance helped lead me to where I am today. We are still close friends and clear each other regularly.
In 2015 a good friend planned a trip to England with a spiritual theme scheduled for spring of 2016. I asked the Universe if I should go and if so, what was my purpose? What I heard was “yes and catalyst” and it certainly was a springboard for me. My abilities to move energy expanded greatly. In the early fall of 2015 I had never heard of Language of Light. In one of our trip planning meetings, it came up. The following summer, I was speaking it. I’m a channel and the Angels and Guides I work for/with let the Language of Light flow through me to assist others.
Energy work is very rewarding. It is the absolute best feeling when someone calls to say how working with me has helped them. I don’t mean that from ego. I mean yay! I’m so happy for you! And I truly am. Overall, what I believe is the purpose of raising frequency is having less (or no) anxiety and lots more happiness, freedom of expression, opening of yourself to either just feeling better or (if you believe yourself inclined) to boost intuitive abilities of your own.
On a personal family note, I adore my husband, Joe, who I have been married to in many lifetimes before. We have a wonderful adult son (who I’ve also shared past lives with but never before as the parental figure!). We also have a beautiful yellow lab mix girl that we were lucky to adopt in the spring of 2021. She brings us lots of joy and laughter. This is our 22nd year in Colorado.