Paige thrives on introspective self-discovery. To be loved by Paige is to be truly heard and truly seen. Patient as can be and full of compassion and understanding, she wants to help the world evolve beyond their suffering.
Wise beyond her years from a young age she’s been keeping things high vibe since ‘96. Ashlyn loves hard and keeps things fun (IYKYK)! Living a life heart wide open is her mantra. She is passionate about helping each and every person see the light that is within them, then inspiring them to shine that light for the world to see.
So, how did we get here?
We are out of the box thinkers and explorers.
We ask the whys. We lean into the the maybes. We follow the inner knowing that there is something more for us to learn. Along the way we’ve learned that every challenge has a hidden message – some might even say a gift.
Putting in the work to overcome the traumas of life, the stories that hold us back, our subconscious programming, and beyond hasn’t always been easy, but it’s always been worth it. This is the beautiful journey of learning how to live Love Ignites Peace body, mind, and spirit!
We have had so much fun discovering the truest expressions of ourselves and we want to the same for you!
It’s time to get your frēq on
Living a life of "good vibes only" starts with raising your vibe from the inside out! The premise: Everything is energy. The food we eat, the words we speak, and the clothes we wear. The good news? Energy can be transformed. Get Your Frēq On™ is our way of empowering you to change your personal vibration. If you’re wondering how the heck you do that, that’s where the Love Ignites Peace™ initiative comes in! If you’re wondering how the heck you do that, that’s where Love Ignites Peace comes in! Whether it's fueling your frēq with high vibe products, calming your frēq with meditations and yoga, or doing the deep self work to make a lasting impact on your frēq, we are here to help educate you, to connect you, and most importantly, to empower you. Are you ready to become more personally aware? Are you ready to contribute to social change?
Love Ignites Peace™ helps you find the answers hidden within life’s challenges. You become wise as you ask the whys of your life. Lean into the maybes and the something mores as we empower you with emerging tools and unique resources that help you get your frēq, aka frequency, on. It’s time to experience introspective self-discovery to awaken you to your highest vibration. The Love Ignites Peace™ initiative is here to promote this message to create a personal and public awareness of the good that comes from getting your frēq, aka frequency, on.
It is our vision for the Love Ignites Peace™ process to contribute to social change! As you change your frēq, which changes your own life, we believe your actions can change society and improve social welfare. Our personal actions contribute to the collective. Think about when you're feeling good from the inside out–Not only is the vibration you're feeling one of good, but you spread that in the world with a smile, an act of generosity, a moment of understanding. Your high vibration invites others to raise theirs. As their vibration raises, they begin to do more love-aligned actions in their lives and the world. Eventually, the love within our own hearts will spark a peace throughout our micro and macro communities. Change your frēq, change the world. Ignite your extraordinary human potential and live the Love Ignites Peace™ process.
Change your frēq, change the world. Ignite your extraordinary human potential and live the Love Ignites Peace™ process.
Love Ignites
Our Story

The beginning of the story
⬩ Happy childhood
⬩ Unconditional love
⬩ Traumatic Events
⬩ Big life decisions made out of fear
⬩ Newly married (‘88)
Burried with responsibility
⬩ Worked corporate America job, got fired, started business with husband
⬩ Mom to two little ones (‘93 & ‘96)
⬩ Ran the household
⬩ Unaware. Unawake. Exhausted. Unhealthy.
⬩ Asked my first “why” that changed my health:
Why am I having all these health issues?

Breakthrough + Asking the why’s
⬩ Was diagnosed with gluten allergy
⬩ The fog and bone-tired exhaustion cleared
⬩ With a new mental clarity I started asking the bigger “why’s”:
Why have I made the choices I’ve made?
Why am I so unhappy?
Why did I once feel joy in my life and now I don’t?
Our first maybe
⬩ Ashlyn got sick from an adverse reaction and struggled for over a year with traditional medicine unable to find the root cause of her symptoms
⬩ Leaned into our first “maybe”:
Maybe there is another way to get healthy...
⬩ Went to a homeopath and it WORKED!
The universe sends a wink
⬩ Well... it was really more like a lightning bolt!
⬩ Experienced a channeled moment when the words Love, Ignites, Peace landed in my conscious mind
⬩ Imprinted on me an unshakeable passion to figure out what those three little but meaningful words meant
Reaaaally leaned into the maybes
⬩ Ashlyn and I began our journeys of transformation
⬩ Tried different avenues to discover our truest selves
⬩ Investigated modalities to disconnect from the things that were holding us back
⬩ Learned more about nourishing and healing the physical body due to health struggles

FRĒQing excited to bring Love Ignites Peace to the world
⬩ Realized Love Ignites Peace (LIP) isn't just a feel good message, but a way of living from the inside out
⬩ Team LIP forms and begins to co-create
⬩ I begin writing a book... or three!
⬩ Living our purpose
⬩ Empowered co-creators
⬩ Thankful for the hidden messages that came through life’s challenges..although they haven't always been easy, they've helped us become the people we are and the freedom we feel today
⬩ Happy, joyful, getting our high vibration frēq on daily!